How-To Guide to Setting an Artful Dining Table

Summertime is a time to invite friends and family over for an outdoor dinner party. Setting the table can be quite overwhelming and it doesn’t have to be. We created a guide on How-To Guide to Setting an Artful Dining Table with extra tips and tricks.
Photography by: Steven Steinhardt
How to Set the Table
- Place the largest plate, entrée, on top of a decorative charger plate or service plate. Place the salad plate on top on the entrée plate. If soup is being served, place the bowl on top of the salad plate.
- Get creative with placing your napkin. Try napkin origami, use a napkin holder, or play it safe and place it off to the left.
- Always add a beautiful menu card that can add a nice touch to each guest’s place setting.
- The salad fork is smallest because it is served after the soup. Place it on the outer edge of the left side.
- The entrée fork is largest fork so it is placed directly to the left of the entrée plate.
- Again, if soup is being served, it is typically the first being served. The largest spoon will be placed on the outer edge of the right side.
- The entrée knife is placed directly to the right of the entrée plate.
- The salad knife is placed directly in between the entrée knife and soup spoon.
- The dessert spoon is the smallest of spoons and is placed directly above the entrée plate.
- The water glass is placed above the entrée knife.
- The wine glass goes to the right of the water glass.
Tip #1: Utensils are places one inch from the edge of the table.
Tip #2: Set the table ahead of time. Heck, fill the water glass with water before your guests arrive.
Tip #3: Clean your barware and glassware of any streaky or cloudy marks. How? Use a sponge and clean with hot water and soap. Wipe dry with a soft cloth right after.
Tip #4: Keep your candles unscented so it does not interfere with your guests smelling the wonderful meal you have provided or competes with the beautiful floral centerpiece.
Tip #5: Do not block anyone’s view. We want to be able to see and interact with everyone attending, so keep your table décor lower than your eye level.
Tip #6: Get creative and have fun. Mix and match patterns and dinnerware.
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